Mindful Soul Center [magazine]
[the] Mindful Soul Center Podcast
Black Lives Matter: We are One Minisode

Black Lives Matter: We are One Minisode

Black Lives Matter: We are One
Mindful Soul Center Minisode

We begin with a quote on violence by the Maharish Mahesh Yogi, I read my piece entitled We are One and then discuss this further. A spinkle of goodness intention practice is shared as well, it has a similar concept but extremely abbreviated as Metta meditation (loving kindness meditation) but takes 2 seconds and is a private intention. Listen and leave a review or call in your opinions to our voicemail - tab to record can be found on the website: https://themindfulsoulcenter.com or email me at amy@themindfulsoulcenter.com

Mindful Soul Center [magazine]
[the] Mindful Soul Center Podcast
We share wisdom tips, resources, and stories through minisodes and interviews with big thinkers and savvy teachers in the wellness space. If you are on a personal development or spiritual journey and want to evolve and grow and live with less stress, more consciousness, less anxiety, more peace & more joy, this podcast is for you. We’re dedicated to producing thought-provoking media and creating tools you can use to help make the journey lighter and brighter.